From Excel village, home of excel kids Uganda we want wish all Ugandans a happy independence day!
Its over 60 years now, since in 1962 Uganda was declared independent from the British colonial rule. The sixty years have had their good, their bad and ugly turns & twists, but the spirit of the people has remained firm and resolute to pursue their independent dream from the colonial masters.
Gets me thinking about the greatest independence ever fought and bought. It wasn’t for one nation or a group of people, but it was bought for all humanity-the independence from the colonial rule of the Satan! Satan is a colonial master, and a terrible one at that. (No disrespect at all to the colonizers. They had a lot of good intentions and bad ones as well) Theirs absolutely comes no where comparted to the tyranny of the devil over those he has colonized. The bible describes the mission description of the devil as one who came to kill, still and destroy! But Jesus Christ-our independent hero, came that we may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10
Some stark common characteristics for all independence struggles
It didn’t come cheap..
Across the African countries and everywhere else in the world where there was an imposed rule by foreigners, freedom didn’t come cheap. There was a struggle, which in some cases involved shading of blood. Freedom has a cost to it
Freedom cause has a champion/hero.
A common thread that runs through all the independence struggles was some sort of messianic leader or hero to champion that cause. Characters like Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkuruma are all names synonymous with some freedom cause. Some died in the process but never the less they blazed the trail for others to rise up in their wake.
Similarly, Jesus Christ, the one that championed our independence cause from the tyranny of the devil says- shed his own blood for our salvation and redemption.
Finally, without purpose is no freedom at all. The objective of true freedom is to be able to pursue their original plan, dream and mandate without interference. we were freed from the tyranny of sin and the devil to be be free to be nothing-but to become something with our new freedom. See, when you get freedom and you dont know what to do with it, you become a worse person than one who was never freed. We do not become free to be nothing. We must strive to make our freedom count or else, we can get back into a worse bondage than the one we were in.
We are truly free, if we use our freedom to pursue the original plan, purpose and dream for our existence. We can only make our independence count by pursuing our ideals, values and vision.